Cue the Scapegoats

In 56 AD Nero became emperor of Rome.  One of his plans was to tear down a third of Rome to build what would be known as the Neropolis.  The Senate did not agree to this ‘Build Back Better’ scheme.  Something weird happened next, a fire broke out. Hang on, that was normal in hot summers like the one on the night of July 19th 64 AD, but this fire burned for 6 days, then reignited and burned for three more.  After it was over, two-thirds of Rome was gone.  Tacitus, the aristocratic Roman historian, wrote that gangs of thugs prevented citizens from fighting the fire, under threat of torture.  There is support for the theory that Nero let the fire burn intentionally and indeed his majestic series of villas and pavilions set upon a landscaped park and man-made lake, was built in the wake of the fire.  Nero was under suspicion, so he took the easy way out, he blamed that new sect of non-conformists, the Christians.

America is currently in turmoil, fanned by flames of media induced fear.  What’s our response?  Blame the unvaccinated. At first it was more along the lines of ‘take the shot and get a free donut’.  Which is reminiscent of “Come here little girl and pet the puppy in my van.”  Later it got a little more testy as I’ve heard people like me labeled stupid, selfish and stubborn.  Just days ago I heard an oncologist say that higher cancer rates can be laid at the feet of the unvaccinated.   

Oh really?  I’m going to quote now from Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and vice-chief of internal medicine at Baylor University.  He’s a trained epidemiologist who has been published 700 times in peer reviewed journals.  His unassailable position is that we are pushing a ‘vaccine’ that is non-lethal to the virus, but very lethal to humans.  Hard data from Medicare just confirmed that from January to September of this year, 48,500 Medicare patients died within 14 days after receiving the vaccination.  Considering that only 18.2% of the population is on Medicare and if we extrapolate from that data by multiplying by a figure of 5 – that leaves us with potentially 225,000 dead within 14 days of the vaxx.  Statisticians can now commence to have kittens, but my point is still valid.  There are a lot of dead bodies stacking up.

Dr. McCullough goes on to say that this vaccine program is the “Biggest biological catastrophe in human history” and adds that the vaccines have had “zero impact on the epidemic curve.”    One thing virologists know and have been shouting from the rooftops – you never vaccinate into a pandemic.  The Delta variant has achieved antigenic escape.  What this means is that the vaxxed and unvaxxed  provide bodies in which the Delta variant thrives and the fact that we’ve seriously messed with nature means that the only major strain we’re seeing now is Delta.  Why would it mutate?  It doesn’t need to, it has beaten the shot.

The continued deadly drumbeat of “Get the shot” is in McCullough’s words a “complete and total abject failure of our public health system.” 

What’s the missing part of this whole puzzle?  Preventive care.  I wonder how many patients in Idaho have sought help from their physicians only to be told to stay home, go to the ER if you have trouble breathing or get noticeably worse.  Are they being offered early therapy?  Ivermectin, hydroxychloriquine?  Anything?  Dr.McCullough asserts that “there has been a suppression of treatment in order to promote fear, isolation and the vaccine as the only solution.”  He also states it’s “immoral, unethical and illegal to treat patients inadequately.”

Ah, if it were only inadequate treatment, we can all make peace with that.  Yet Pfizer whistleblower Melissa Strickler  speaks of the vaccine glowing with toxic luciferase and graphene oxide compounds.  Almost enough to make me want that donut but not quite.

Then there’s a physican, Dr. Thompson in Yorkfield, Illinois, who has done what every doctor should be doing.  He asked a patient’s permission to run an expanded immune system panel after the 1st shot and then again after the second shot. Here’s what the medical testing showed:  After shot #1, the granulocyte and Killer T cells jumped up.  This indicates tissue damage and a high rate of viruses the Killer T’s needed to kill.  After the second shot, the Killer T’s absolutely tanked.  Tissue damage indicators stayed very high but the adaptive immune system was shot.  If this condition persists, any patient with these numbers cannot fight off viruses or cancer.  But, no, go right ahead, blame the unvaccinated.  That’s what I would do if I were an oncologist who supported the public health system and the push for a money making machine of a vaccine.

The question for these doctors:  Are you a Health Hero?  Or a Health Nero?  Time will tell.

Linda Cook

California native who moved to Kootenai County, Idaho 30 years ago. Fierce conservative, former Congressional Aide to Helen Chenoweth, married to Army Ranger (he says those don’t retire), reformed trouble maker, grandmother of four who is looking to create a sounding board for informed, thoughtful, inquisitive commenters.

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