Thy Kingdom Come


Thy Kingdom Come

And We Mean Now

A vast number of professing Christians are following the sweeping movement of Charismania, activating imaginary power, assuming gifts and claiming riches by declaring their beliefs and living them out.  It’s called Kingdom Now theology also known as Dominion theology.  One of the founding concepts is the Seven Mountain Mandate. While it might seem like a good idea for Christians to control education, government, the arts, etc., it’s simply not God’s plan.

If you ascribe to this non-Biblical view then you believe that God lost control of the earth to Satan and yet is still so powerful that when His Spirit lives within us, we have all authority in heaven and earth, so we can speak things into existence and usher in the Kingdom Age.  So a god that is too weak to retain authority can give that stolen authority to us?  Now we’re the powerful ones that He needs to help set things right.  That’s like giving a car that was stolen to my grandson so he can drive me to the store.  My head hurts now.

And if that contorted concept hasn’t already robbed you of the power of thought, there’s more!  Listen to Steven Furtick.  

The net result is a god who is weak and men who are deified.

Kingdom Now people believe that the Rapture is just a strong emotion, not the ‘catching up’ as described and supported by numerous scriptures, including Thessalonians 4:17, 2nd Corinthians 12:2-4 and Revelation 12:5.  They get irritated at believers who take these scriptures seriously because they think we’ve stepped off the battlefield and are leaving them to do all the work.  If you follow their line of reasoning, you’d think they’re powered up and could get it all handled, but a certain churlish atmosphere informs us they feel the need for more recruits.

Believers who carefully study the Word, know the difference between “The Day of Christ”(Philippians 2:14-16), “The Day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6), and “The Day of Our Lord Jesus Christ” (Corinthians 1:7,8)  which are all happily anticipated, and the reference in Joel 2:31 “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.”  KJV

I am overcome with a sense of urgency that causes me to speak uncomfortable truths and persist in trying to reach everyone with the news that salvation is here and to take advantage of it while there is time.  Christians living and operating in the knowledge of the Word and the Spirit of Truth are filled with the same imperative.

Now let’s get to the really dangerous part

It’s called Replacement Theology which basically asserts that God has replaced Israel in His favor with the Church.  God made a covenant with Israel and it’s irrevocable.  God is all-powerful eternally and his promises to Israel will be kept.  He has not forsaken them, He has simply grafted us in. Could we not simply melt with gratitude over His unmerited favor and not try to claim His sole attention?

If you ascribe to Replacement Theology, you will misunderstand about 70% of the Bible.  I know, I’ve done it myself, and if you don’t know what the Bible says, you have no idea what to do.

Christians are commanded to be salt and light in a stinky dark world.  What Christians aren’t commanded to do is to take over the earth in preparation and as a prerequisite for Christ’s return.    We aren’t to prepare a landing zone for His takeover.  He promised that He goes to prepare a place for us, not the other way around.

We are assured of a few things.  Satan is the ruler of this current world.  Things are not going to improve prior to them getting truly horrifying.  It’s like the days of Noah, when God said, in short, “get in the boat.”  Yet the Kingdom Now folks would’ve had Noah and family running around the earth with corks to plug up those “fountains of the great deep” and giant covers for the windows of heaven pouring out rain.  And yes, that would mean they missed the boat.

Wrath is coming and we’ve no time for a false gospel.  An earthly kingdom is getting set up as we speak, but it will serve the Antichrist.  You know those 7 mountains?  Want to guess who’s going to control them?  Choose this day whom you will serve.

” . . . If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed”.  ~Galatians 1:9

For Pete’s sake, people – the last days are an open book test and the church is failing.

Here’s the deal according to Jesus and how we will know he’s about to end the Church Age by calling us up to Himself.

  • People will stop putting up with sound doctrine -2nd Timothy 4:3
  • There will be a defection from the truth – 2nd Thessalonians 2:3
  • People will be running after false Christs – Matthew 24:4-5
  • Because of the increase of people who are “against Christ” and His teachings, we will know “it is the last hour” – 1 John 2
  • The last church addressed in Revelation is the church of the Laodiceans and it’s known for being lukewarm, feeling rich, and in need of nothing, yet is actually naked and blind – Revelation 3

As many as I love,  I rebuke and chasten.  Therefore be zealous and repent.  Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.  To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

His love and fierce determination to save us absolutely floors me.  You see the church of the Laodiceans literally means “the rule of the people.”  This is a church that has been taken over by people.  Jesus isn’t even inside of it, that’s why he’s knocking on the door.  Some have taken this to mean He’s a supplicant “knocking on the door of your heart”, like a lost puppy on a rainy night.  The wake-up call is simply this – you aren’t so powerful Jesus has to plead with you – this is a warning that you are in danger.

To those determined to pull this world back from the brink, I understand your angst and anger but exercises in futility are just that.  God is on the throne.  When you know His power and plan to save souls, you cannot be indifferent while you also know that He will see it through.  We are steadfast because of trust therefore fear and anger have no place here. 

Remember Satan’s beguiling promise “Ye shall be as gods . . .?”.  

Here’s a hint:  He was lying.

Linda Cook

California native who moved to Kootenai County, Idaho 30 years ago. Fierce conservative, former Congressional Aide to Helen Chenoweth, married to Army Ranger (he says those don’t retire), reformed trouble maker, grandmother of four who is looking to create a sounding board for informed, thoughtful, inquisitive commenters.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Clark Wade

    So well said Linda. I started responding to this yesterday but got sidelined.

    Regarding “Kingdom Now” and “Dominion Theology,” I’m think’n that whole NAR (New Apostolic Reformation” thing
    , such as Bill Johnson and Bethel Assembly in Redding is part and parcel of that heresy and their influence is far and wide. So sad that so many Christians don’t know and read their Bibles enough in order to discern truth from error. As you noted, “Many will be running after false Christs.” Another way to state that is to say “many will be running after false ‘anointed ones.” Hence, these false apostles claim to have some special anointing that sets them above the other believers. Paul warned about such error when he spoke to the Ephesian elders, telling them there would be some, even among themselves, who would rise-up to get the believers to follow them that he called ‘ravenous wolves.” (Acts 20).

    And there’s “Replacement Theology.” This error is the result of not rightly dividing (or: cutting) the Word of God and making distinctions. The Church is not Israel and Israel is not the Church. It’s such a grevious thing to me that this error so cavalierly discounts all the promises given to Israel and accounts them to the Church. All the promises given to Israel pertain to physical/earthly blessings, contrasted with the promises given to the Church, as the Bride of Christ, and her heavenly blessings and promises. It’s interesting to me that the Greek word for “dispensation” used iin the Bible comes from the word “oikosnomos,” that is “house rule.” Moses was the dispenser of the “house rules” for Israel, while the Apostle Paul dispensed the “house rules” for the Church of God. Two separate, distinct dispensations all together. To mix and confuse the two covenants as “replacement theology” does is just sloppy and lazy hermeneutics/exegesis.

    “Write On!”


    1. Linda Cook

      Thanks Clark – you’re way ahead of me! I had a discussion with my pastor, Paul Van Noy today and went once more into the breech, with some gentle pointers. Would appreciate any further thoughts you might have. Blessings on you Brother.

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