Of Roaring Lions and Medical Murder

Did you know that one method lions use while hunting is to have an old male stand in the open and roar loudly, which scares the prey right into the jaws of the hidden lionesses?  The lesson is clear, don’t allow scary noises to stampede you into actual death.

As the evidence becomes utterly stark that Covid is a man-made bioweapon, albeit an old and toothless lion of one – and that the global echo chamber is the roaring sound, what’s the equivalent of the lionesses?

What’s doing the killing?  What’s not a pathetic excuse for panic?  It’s the very thing you are running straight into . . . the so-called ‘vaccine’.  The clot-shot, death jab, medical murder injection is a bioweapon worth bragging about.

But wait, there’s more. 


Do you think five and six-month old baby girls succumbing to ‘vaginal hemorrhage’ is a bad thing?  These are not hard questions.  

If you’ve evaded the jaws of death by refusing the mandated poison, you’re running another gauntlet. 


At least they’re not dying YET.  So there need to be options.

Option #1:  Remdesivir.  In May of 2020 the NIH mandated this as the accepted protocol for hospitalized patients.  The CDC and FDA have adopted it and claimed this anti-viral drug is “proven safe.”  Here are the basics of the study supporting the setting of the protocol.

In a study done in Africa, four separate anti-viral drug courses were tested:

  • Remdesivir
  • Z-map triple monoclonal
  • Single monoclonal
  • Regeneron

Lethality rates were: 33%, 35%, 49.7% and a whopping 53%.

Now the bad boy on the block with the 53% kill rate was pulled from the study, which makes complete sense.  What makes no sense is that the drug with the highest death rate is . . . you guessed it – Remdesivir.  Our only approved drug,  the CDC protocol, is the deadliest drug they could find.  

No wonder the macabre joke is if you can’t pronounce Remdesivir, just think of it as “Run Death is Near.”

America, with a mere 5% of the global population, has 25% of the pandemic deaths.  Dr. Bryan Ardis, who is my source for the above, tells you exactly how the drug kills.  It shuts down your kidneys but the IV fluids you are given keeps pumping you full, so the fluid has nowhere to go except your lungs.  We’re drowning people in American hospitals.

Dr. Ardis speculates that 90% of our so-called Covid deaths are actually Remdesivir poisoning, stating “this is a protocol of mass genocide.”

Option #2:

“High pressure oxygen in the setting of fulminant pneumonia is incredibly dangerous – you cannot force the tissues to exchange gas when they are filled with fluid and every damn doctor and nurse in an ICU knows that.

It finishes off the person.

That’s why I say they know they’re doing and they will burn in hell for it.”

~Dr. Jane Ruby


Option #3: If you’re too leary of the ‘vaxx’ and too smart to go to the Hellspital, police state kidnapping and forced quarantine are not off the table.  Washington state already has the necessary statutes in place.  We’ve seen that going to camp in Australia just isn’t as much fun as it used to be and we can say it’s “coming to America.” 

Word to the wise – it’s already here.  Plan accordingly.













Linda Cook

California native who moved to Kootenai County, Idaho 30 years ago. Fierce conservative, former Congressional Aide to Helen Chenoweth, married to Army Ranger (he says those don’t retire), reformed trouble maker, grandmother of four who is looking to create a sounding board for informed, thoughtful, inquisitive commenters.

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