Under the Bus



Under the Bus

Back in May I met with a local photographer I hired for a memorial photo book.  Her name is Pennie Collinson and she told me a story I simply did not believe.  She spoke about a town hall meeting in the small town of Cataldo, which had about 60 people in attendance.  Pennie was the photographer for the challenger to Sheriff Bob Norris.

Bob stood up to address the crowd, ostensibly to introduce himself and make it clear why he deserves to be re-elected. According to Pennie and many in attendance, Bob accomplished the precise opposite, when he pointed at her, called her out by name and declared she takes photos of child porn and likes to give blow jobs.  There is no known recorded account of his statement, probably due in part to his well-known opposition to having video or audio recordings in certain public venues.  What was recorded gives veracity to Pennie’s account.  She may be forgiven for in her shock and humiliation her voice trembled a little as she demanded “Are you calling me a pedophile? then denounced his statement as “disgusting” and recounted the rape and murder of her 7-year-old niece which caused her to be a child protection advocate for the rest of her life.  Bob’s response was less than conciliatory or even civil, he bluntly attempted to cut her off asking “What’s your question?!”  I could only admire the woman who’s voice rang out “Shut up and let her speak!”

We all know you should never shoot the piano player but this calls for a new maxim. Never attack a woman with a camera in her hands.  Here you see Bob’s expression following his ‘formal’ remarks.  If he was contemplating the damage he did to himself, he’s most likely broken into a permanent sweat at this point.


Now for a little crowd reaction:

Online commentary raged for quite some time immediately following Bob’s remarks.

  • “I was there!  It’s true. It was very explicit sexual accusations to a female photographer.  It definitely was NOT what I expected to hear at a town hall.  Is this the kind of behavior we will accept from our sheriff, I don’t care what the back story is, this was not a venue for such a random attack that was not provoked in any way.”
  • “He asked if there was anyone in the room who was 17 or younger and then looked at the female photographer across the room and said ‘I know you like oral sex and giving blow jobs.’ He then accused her of liking to take pictures of porn books in the library.  Is this acceptable behavior for our sheriff to publically bully/shame our residents?”
  • “Several of us walked out of there in total shock since this is the last thing you are expecting to hear from anyone in a public political setting.”
  • “I would never expect anyone to act that way at a town hall but especially our law enforcement.  He can’t be openly attacking someone’s character with these sexually explicit accusations without it looking like public shaming or defamation of character.  He is supposed to be in charge of keeping law and order.”
  • And to another person who said they heard it didn’t happen: “Not true! It did happen and it was not appropriate in what he said at the venue he was in.  I was stunned.”  Again later in the thread: “I was holding off sharing anything but when you said someone said ‘It didn’t happen, I couldn’t stay silent.  I like Bob and I don’t know if there is a past between her and him and I don’t care.  I just don’t think it was appropriate to bring it up at this venue!”  When this commenter was asked “You were there?” he responded “Yes, I was there with my wife” and the response was “This speaks volumes to his character and temperament.”

(Names withheld out of respect but the comments have been forwarded to legal counsel)

So why, in the name of God, is the response from the good citizens of Kootenai County, including pastors, political leaders and law enforcement officials contained in the first point?  “Shut up!” with no follow up “let her speak!”  It occurs to me that not only do the powers that be desire Pennie to shut up, but they intend for the entire community to remain silent.

We are in an election season, the purpose of which should be to vet the candidates and determine fitness for the highest law enforcement office in the county.  Yet the conspiracy of silence is overwhelming and I’m forced to ask if wordless assent is the only right we have.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and while this is no spurned female (any and all speculation that she was sexually involved with Sheriff Bob is nauseating), the scorn from the community at large is a mile deep. Bob knows this so at a Pachyderm meeting he publicly (and this time it was recorded) declared he called her out, to the mocking laughter of the people in the room.  So what’s a girl to do?  This is a feisty little creature so she went out and found a powerhouse law firm, Witherspoon Brajcich McPhee, PLLC, cited as the top law firm in Spokane, WA in 2023.  How many of you know of lawyers with solid reputations who will take a case that has no basis?

This leaves our current sheriff in quite a predicament.  If he would see the tort claim settled, knowing Pennie, nothing more than a public apology and retraction would do, along with compensation for damages.  His reputation will be in tatters. If he wants to brazen it out and stick to his story that nothing happened and does so under oath, his career is likely over.

So now Kootenai County officials have a choice, settle a Tort claim with a starting point of $500,000 or roll the dice and go to court.  If October 9th comes and goes without a settlement, hang onto your hats.

I wish this looming legal action could impact the election but it won’t be on the docket in time.  So after November, we’ll know if it’s only Pennie under the bus or all of Kootenai County.

Linda Cook

California native who moved to Kootenai County, Idaho 30 years ago. Fierce conservative, former Congressional Aide to Helen Chenoweth, married to Army Ranger (he says those don’t retire), reformed trouble maker, grandmother of four who is looking to create a sounding board for informed, thoughtful, inquisitive commenters.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Thomas Cook

    Thank you for following up on an extremely important issue. Kootenai County deserves better!

    1. Linda Cook

      A friend asked me why Dan Wilson’s campaign isn’t getting more traction. I said the Republican establishment is against him (he’s too conservative) so it must be grassroots. I then asked if I could give her a yard sign and she hesitated, asking if local law enforcement would come after them if she did. Which is PRECISELY why we must put them up. Fear of law enforcement on the part of solid citizens is a sure sign something is deeply wrong. Wonderful news! Same friend just texted me for a sign and says her Hauser Lake friend needs one too.

  2. John T. Gibson

    Unacceptable behavior from an elected official, in my humble opinion. What was really up with the Sheriff’s uncalledfor comment? Why would he say such a thing about a local citizen? Can anyone explain that to me? Anyone? Let me guess, no one is ‘allowed’ to comment on potentially pending litigation. Am I right?

    1. Linda Cook

      I would have to concur. This was bizarrely irrational and would be unacceptable in a mere citizen but for the man who has access to the confidential database, his charge that she’s a pedophile bears far more weight and thus is far more damaging. IF his database indicates valid felony charges against a citizen, he’d bloody better do something other than insult that person in an open meeting. He should have arrested her, IF the charge was valid. In discussions with Pennie, it’s clear that Bob was angry because she was photographing porn books to prove to him that they were heinous and should be removed. Here’s where it gets sticky, asking law enforcement to do that is asking them to step outside their authority. Bob didn’t want to be involved, apparently, and Pennie was trying to force his hand. But it goes back further to an animal rescue 501c3 that Pennie thought was invalid, apparently because an IRS records search did not show it existed legally. Bob was defending the existence of that non-profit. Now Bob’s helicopter 501c3 is also being searched for and so far no IRS record has been found. At least that’s what my source has said. It would appear that something smells funny but the protective layers go deep and defensive responses are harsh. The self-inflicted damage has many of us struggling with the why.

  3. Susan Richmond

    Thank you Linda for this article. It seems to have been swept under the rug locally.

    1. Linda Cook

      Absolutely Susan! Glad you appreciate it. Swept under the rug by many powerful hands, put I’m going to keep picking up the corners.

  4. Brian Welch

    There have been reports of other such “inappropriate comments”by Norris at another event in Kootenai County and I hope those persons have/will make statements to the plaintiff’s attorney as well to give a broader context of repetitive pattern of behaviors. It is indeed concerning how many people were willing to brush this off when it first came out, and weren’t willing to ask further hard questions of the supposed “constitutional sheriff” & “public servant” because he’s the highest LEO and they apparently don’t want to get on his bad side as did the plaintiff for supporting his opposition during the last election.
    We are the employers and he is the employee – it is our Duty to fully investigate any allegations of harassment & discrimination in the workplace/course of employment – just as if it were to happen in a business.

    1. Linda Cook

      Thanks for speaking up Brian and your point is well made that he is supposed to be serving and protecting us instead of the other way around. I worked Dan Wilson’s fair booth for a couple of shifts and we frequently heard, from retired deputies, first responders and even currently working law enforcement, the opinion that Kootenai County NEEDS a new sheriff. I know a lot of people like Bob but admiring him gets ever more difficult as the accounts pile up of uncontrolled outbursts.

  5. Michael Wilson

    I know Bob Norris well and I know he would never say anything so discussing as that. If you in fact have the recording of that town hall meeting you should post it. With today’s technology you can manipulate anything Look what happening with Trump. Everybody should just listen to each candidate and don’t make fake news. I don’t know anything about Wilson, so I can’t give my opinion. If I fact Bob did say that discussing comment, if said that he would not get my vote.

    1. Linda Cook

      Thanks for your perspective. I didn’t believe the account at first, for two months I never gave it another thought. I was not at the town hall meeting in Cataldo, but later met many people who were in attendance. Apparently recording was not permitted, although there is no statute that would support that restriction. That leaves us with witnesses, legal action and ascertaining who is lying and who is not. The same people who might stoutly defend something can change their tune when being deposed and facing charges of perjury. Time will tell, but not soon enough for the election. For the record, I didn’t vote for Bob the first time but grew to like him. This isn’t personal, I simply have become convinced by many factors, he is not suitable for the position.

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