Legalism and Lawlessness


Legalism and Lawlessness

  • Legalism brings division where God intended for there to be unity, and lawlessness brings unity where God intended for there to be division.
  • One afflicts the flesh and the other indulges in it, but both are insubordinate to His will.
  • One has an appearance of righteousness and the other doesn’t but both are insubordinate to His will.
  • One claims a virtue of discipline and the other claims love but both are insubordinate to His will.

Both miss the mark. Both achieve the same end of causing the heart to bow to another. Both deceive. Both are devices of the enemy that lead to the same end. Whether by much or by little, whether gentle or harsh, whatever is done apart from His time, apart from His way, is a device of the deceiver, and is insubordinate to His will.

~Jeff Neufeld

Linda Cook

California native who moved to Kootenai County, Idaho 30 years ago. Fierce conservative, former Congressional Aide to Helen Chenoweth, married to Army Ranger (he says those don’t retire), reformed trouble maker, grandmother of four who is looking to create a sounding board for informed, thoughtful, inquisitive commenters.

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