A Worthwhile Vocation




A Worthwhile Vocation

Why Yes, I Am Going to Try to Destroy His Work

You simply never know when inspiration will strike.

Today I’d walked my large Bernedoodle Carson to the river,

tended to my vegetable garden, enjoyed a fresh salad for lunch and was just settling into a pleasant afternoon of peaceful contemplation when my phone thrummed with an incoming text.  When I say ‘incoming’ it’s because that’s what you shout when you hear the roar of enemy ordinance heading your way.

BC:  “Have you listened to the comments made about The Chosen by Dallas Jenkins?”  Attached were two links.  I bit and started to watch the first one.

I must confess, I found his mannerisms and precise speech arrogant and I’m no fan of The Chosen so I responded rather promptly “What a pompous punk. Started to listen but just can’t”. (true confession: another alliterative pejorative sprang immediately to mind but I chose the milder rebuke) 

BC: “I did not take him as pompous at all.  I am surprised that you feel free to judge him without watching the show or listening to his view”.

Always anxious to learn but feeling a tad impatient I responded thusly: “Sigh.  The show is produced and directed by temple Mormons.  They conceded that the first four episodes were not based on any scripture.  I will not watch what cult members dream up, no matter how entertaining.  I thought the spirit rolling off him was pure arrogance”.

BC: “So I send you 2 videos to watch and you do not bother to get my point? I believe you are wrong about the Mormons.  And if I am right, you are defaming someone – a brother in Christ – based upon your opinion.  The studio may be Mormon owned but the show is not”. (here’s a clue – she’s not right).

I retorted with more restraint than I felt: “So you’re accusing me of defamation?  Now that’s intriguing.  Just because I refuse to see your point.  I’m going to have to go with Biblical accuracy”. 

I watched the second video she’d supplied.


I’m glad I watched it, yet at this point, I’m wondering why an evangelical believer would join himself to darkness and pour his life into presenting a false picture of the God he says he worships.  We are to judge believers in the church who violate the faith.

How many Christians joke about what Jesus was doing while hanging on the cross?  

AAAND she’s back:  “I am saying you are bold on stating your beliefs but have not listened to him.  He is born again.  The Chosen is a tool to reach the unreached.  Is it meat?  No.  But that is not the goal audience.  I am ok with that baby step for people.  I came to know Jesus at a concert where the love of Jesus was preached.  I think better to be praying for the fruits of this show than bashing the Dallas. (I know, it’s just a text, I am reprinting with full accuracy, mistakes and all) If he is born again and doing what God lead him to do, who are we to bash him?  He answers to God alone.  Are you praying as much for him to be faithful or to destroy what he is doing?”

Here at last is the crux of the matter!

I had to ask this friend if something (else) was bothering her and added “And yes, I would destroy anything that exalts itself over the knowledge of God.  The true God.  You betcha.” 

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. ~ 2nd Corinthians 10:4-6

I sent my friend the video you can peruse here: 


In short, Mormons aren’t Christians and their slick, appealing series on Jesus isn’t teaching you about the one true God.

It’s not defamation to defend the truth.

I wrote The Idol of Evangelism yesterday.  My point is that lying to people about Jesus is not helping, whether it’s leaving chunks of truth out to make him easier to approach or just plain making stuff up.  My friend concedes The Chosen is not meat, my point is, neither is it milk (for new believers).  It’s poison.

It’s akin to pointing the lost to a mirage so they die in the desert and that’s not love.

Love is what you see from the family that found Jesus after 30 years in the Mormon church.  Please hear them.

Linda Cook

California native who moved to Kootenai County, Idaho 30 years ago. Fierce conservative, former Congressional Aide to Helen Chenoweth, married to Army Ranger (he says those don’t retire), reformed trouble maker, grandmother of four who is looking to create a sounding board for informed, thoughtful, inquisitive commenters.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Thomas Cook

    Well said my dear, facts are facts when the source is Jesus Christ son of the living God!

    1. Linda Cook

      See? It’s so easy, apply the truth of scripture and that’s all you have to do.

  2. Brenda

    Another article full of good points, Linda. Brought to mind this article I saw a couple of years ago….a review of the program in question, also without having watched it, or needing to watch it…Maybe BC would want to read it?


    1. Linda Cook

      Oh my word!! Everything I should have read first. Thank you for sending this incredible source.

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