This is a heavy post, but one the needs to be heard today. The Church needs to get back to a knowledge of God’s Truth in context!
Sadly, we currently have an entire generation of mainly charismatic and Pentecostal Christians who have never been to a proper Bible study in terms of exegesis of Scripture (didaskein—Greek), nor heard a proper sermon in terms of expository preaching (homilea—Greek).
The exposition of Scripture is replaced by psycho-babble, anecdotes, verses out of context and, too often, just plain hype and con-artistry.
Since such people never had actual pastors in the biblical sense of shepherds who feed the sheep, they die slowly of malnutrition, eating straw instead of grain (Jeremiah 23:28) and have no grasp of the biblical doctrine that Paul says is essential to Christian growth and health (Titus 2:1).
Consequently, they wind up believing anything, including the very deceptions we are warned would come in the last days
(2 Timothy 4: 3-5). They accuse those who follow the command of the Lord (1 Timothy 1:3) in condemning unbiblical doctrines, of being unloving and divisive.
The modern state of affairs has become one where such people simply do not know any better and do not understand that it is rather those who depart from the teachings of Scripture who are divisive (Romans 16:17), not those who will attempt to protect the Body from such deception.
A cook book written by Jeffrey Dahmer may have 1 good recipe in it, but I wouldn’t know because I wouldn’t read the book after realizing the source.
Bill Johnson is quoted as saying that many of the doctrines they advance would not be accepted in a classroom, but they are accepted in music because it’s a workaround method that bypasses the intellect. Bethel knows what they are doing – but we dare not talk about it. The sermon today included Christians who attack Christian pastors but left out that these acts of discernment aren’t attacking the sheep or good shepards . . . they are hunting wolves in order to defend the sheep.