Hearts on Fire

Nice on a Date – Bad on the Soccer Field

If you watch much soccer you already know that as many as three athletes have collapsed on the field in a single game, clutching their chests. We have athletes in the prime of their lives dropping like flies the only surprise is how many people are not shocked because they have no idea.

After all, it’s not as if this kind of information is out there: (ok, sarcasm OFF)

Correlation is Not Causation

Lofty Riposte

So now it’s time for some exalted thinker to assert the ever useful ‘Ah, but correlation is not causation’. Yeah, yeah, I get it, but like I’ve said before, the bodies just continue to stack up.


A recent study by the American Heart Association reveals why the clot-shot has earned that designation. The so called vaccines increase a person’s risk of experiencing a heart attack by as much as 127 percent.

The Protein Unstable Lesion Signature test measures the protein biomarkers in the body that indicate if the immune system has recently responded to arterial injuries. A study was conducted on a group of 500 patients who were ‘vaccinated’ with the mRNA ‘vaccines’. It found higher counts of blood markers. Additionally, it found the 5 year risk of a heart attack or other heart complication among the patients more than doubled from 11 percent to 25 percent. This represents a 127 percent increase in the risk of suffering a heart attack within five years after getting vaccinated.

Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Denmark halted Moderna’s ‘vaccine’ for people under 30 because of the high prevalence of heart complications among people who received the jab.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a United Kingdom cardiologist, pointed out about 10,000 excess deaths recorded in the country, many of them due to heart attacks and strokes. Dr. Malhotra stated that if the ‘vaccine’ is increasing the risk of heart attacks, it could explain the increasing death rate. His suspicions were confirmed when a medical researcher whistleblower contacted him to say that imaging studies proved that the vaccines cause inflammation in the coronary arteries. This whistleblower mentioned that they do not want to publish the results of the study yet because of fears of backlash from the medical community and the potential to lose opportunities to obtain grant money for future studies from the pharmaceutical industry.


Dave’s Not Here

I have a good friend, had over 300 hours of accrued sick time because he never was. Then he got the ‘shot’ and had to take a couple of days off because it hit him hard. A few months down the road, this lean, lanky even, guy had to have a quintuple bypass. Word was he was shocked, don’t know if that means his family doesn’t have this kind of history – don’t know if the clot shot caused his trouble. I do know that the overwhelming amount of data proves that more and more younger adults are coming down with blood clots, myocarditis, and other heart complications after getting vaccinated for COVID-19.


Now he’s my buddy but when I heard his wife would not allow anyone to come visit unless they too had the clot-shot, I took a hard pass. I’m sure she’s a lovely person but would a little information hurt?

As I’m putting these thoughts together, another friend is currently in the hospital. She had the shots back in late Spring of last year, also was adversely impacted by the second shot. Now she’s had her booster and surprise, down she goes. Mild Covid “a bit of white stuff on her lungs from the Covid however her 02 is fine”. You wanna know what’s not fine? Her heart. “The heart IV drip has once again brought her rate down to normal. They are going to pull the IV then switch to pill form. If that works and she stays stable she could be released tomorrow.” I heard that she was grateful to the booster that her case is mild. Here, let me show you my shocked face.

Maybe we could all open your eyes . . . or we could do what Twitter did – they immediately terminated the account of the American Heart Association. There, that fixed it.

Linda Cook

California native who moved to Kootenai County, Idaho 30 years ago. Fierce conservative, former Congressional Aide to Helen Chenoweth, married to Army Ranger (he says those don’t retire), reformed trouble maker, grandmother of four who is looking to create a sounding board for informed, thoughtful, inquisitive commenters.

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